Is it time to buy a new fridge or stove? Did you know that you may qualify for tax benefits or rebates when purchasing new appliances?
Many energy-efficient models of appliances qualify for rebates. In this article, we’ll look at two energy rating systems (Energy Star and Energuide), talk about what classifies as energy-efficient appliances in Canada, and share some ways to get rebates or incentives to purchase them.

The Energy Star Program
You’ve likely seen the Energy Star appliances in our showroom. You may have some in your home now. It’s recognizable by a blue star logo. Seeing this certification on an appliance or home building supplies (like windows and doors) means it’s been certified as energy efficient.
You’ll find Energy Star certifications on everything from windows, heating systems, air conditioning systems, and many popular home appliances. Since the inception of this program in 1996, it has saved homeowners billions of dollars and minimized greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to millions of cars.
EnerGuide Ratings
You’ve likely seen a small sticker on your home appliances with more details about energy consumption. This is a sticker mandated for certain appliance types by the Government of Canada with more information about the energy consumption of that make and model. It tells you more about:
- The average annual energy consumption of the appliance (in kilowatt-hours)
- A comparison of how this model compares to other similar models in terms of energy usage
- A description of the type and class used
If the appliance is also Energy Star certified, you may see the Energy Star logo on the EnerGuide label.
About Energy Efficient Appliances

Home appliances can contribute to a large portion of a home’s energy consumption (up to 13.6% in the average Canadian home). Only space heating (61%) and water heating (19.3%) are higher. There are many rebates and incentives for installing more energy-efficient space and water heating in homes, but less specifically for energy-efficient appliances.
In Canada, many household appliances are regulated to meet specific standards before being imported to be sold in Canada or qualify for any rebate programs. These are the household appliances that the Government of Canada controls:
- Clothes dryers
- Clothes washers
- Dehumidifiers
- Dishwashers
- Electric ranges
- Freezers
- Gas ranges
- Integrated clothes washer-dryers
- Microwave ovens
- Miscellaneous refrigeration products
- Refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers
Energy efficiency rebate programs
There is a big push globally towards greener technology and environmental issues. The Canadian Government has offered tax credits for purchases of energy-efficient appliances in the past. Incentives and rebates for energy-efficient appliances change often, but here are a few rebates and incentive programs we found:
BC Hyrdo Rebates
BC homeowners who make their homes more energy efficient may qualify for a rebate from BC Hydro. This includes installing energy-efficient windows and doors, insulation, heat pumps, and heat pump water heaters.
Support for income-qualified households
In BC, low-income households may qualify for additional support and incentives to make their home more energy-efficient. In addition to getting an energy coach to help you make your home more energy-efficient, you may qualify for a free Energy Star refrigerator or high-efficiency gas furnace.
Washers, Dryers, and Fridges
We often see rebates and tax incentives for purchasing these appliances, but BC hydro doesn’t currently have any programs available.
However, Fortis BC offers rebates of up to $250 on Energy Star certified washers and dryers. This offer is limited to Grand Forks, Penticton, Summerland or Nelson Hydro residents. The more energy-efficient the appliance, the higher your rebate. You must purchase the qualified appliances before December 31, 2022, and submit your rebate application within 60 days of purchase or delivery date.
Natural Gas Kitchen Rebates (for commercial kitchens)
If you have a commercial kitchen, you may qualify for rebates for installing natural gas appliances from Fortis BC. Rebates range from $200 to $3500, depending on the appliance. The appliances must be Energy Star certified and be installed by a licenced installer.
The Canada Greener Homes Grant
This grant helps Canadian homeowners pay for energy efficiency upgrades in their homes. Depending on the category, they pay up to $5000 for eligible retrofits. If you purchase a new energy-efficient heat pump, you could qualify for this rebate.
Other model-specific rebates
From time-to-time, manufacturers have their own rebate programs. We add them to our website as we hear about them from our suppliers. Check out the latest rebate offers on home appliances.
Tips for buying more energy-efficient appliances
Whether or not there is a tax incentive or rebate, you can make a big difference to the environment and your gas or electric bill by switching to energy-efficient Energy Star appliances. In addition to looking for the Energy Star logo, here are some additional tips for picking a suitable model for your home.
- Select the correct size. Larger appliances use more energy.
- Clean and maintain them. An appliance with blocked air vents will use more energy so ensure your appliance is cleaned and maintained, so it performs at peak efficiency.
- Check your user manual. Your manual often has usage and energy efficiency tips for your model.
Are you ready to purchase your first or next energy-efficient home appliance? You won’t regret it. Visit our Victoria showroom or browse our stock online. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about our appliances or rebate and incentive programs.